Following their success in fielding a team in last year’s Worcester City 10K/Run Bike Run, Worcestershire Association of Carers (WAC) is hot to trot again. This year the charity will join forces with YSS (Worcestershire Young Carers) to raise awareness and funds for adult and young unpaid carers across the county at this year’s event on 18 September.
Carole Cumino, chief executive officer of WAC said “Last year’s team was amazing and we raised a whopping £7923 for adult carers. #teamcarers 2016 will run their hearts out for all carers and we will share all funds raised.”
WAC’s fundraising officer Lizzie Smith and YSS’s senior key worker Neil Phillips have their work cut out. With just 2 months to race day, they need runners and lots of them!
Both charities work tirelessly to address the challenges carers face on a daily basis. Adults struggle with financial hardship, poor health and relationship difficulties and youngsters often find it difficult to balance their caring responsibilities with school work and have a real need to ‘offload’. The charities make a big difference to a growing pool of county carers.
Steve Cram’s awareness of carers in Worcestershire continues to grow. WAC entered a team in the first Worcester City 10K/Run bike Run so this will be their third year. He said “It’s great to hear that carers are back with us this year; their eye catching shirts certainly added to the event and I am delighted that local charities are joining WAC and YSS at the 10K”.
Manufacturer Southco whose European headquarters is in Worcester has already agreed to support #teamcarers 2016 for a second year. Clothing supplier Firelabel Merchandising who created the eye-catching 2015 running top is donating its design time to the charities this year. Seagull Ballustrades Ltd who provided a team of 9 last year are back with support and runners; their owner David Worley said “We ran in support of WAC last year, and whilst I didn’t hesitate to say yes to do so again this year (when else can you go the wrong way up the High Street through red lights?!), despite almost falling over the finishing line, it will be especially rewarding knowing that we are running for two great charities this year.” And the charities are thrilled that last year’s supporters will be joined in 2016 by Hartlebury communication agency DRP Group Ltd.
It’s estimated that 1 in 8 of all adults will be a carer at some point in their lives and it is likely that at least 1 child in every county classroom will be a young carer.
Lorraine Preece, YSS chief executive officer said “it feels like the race is already on and the bigger the team the greater the awareness of the role of carers. The support both charities give is vital both practically and emotionally. However, there are still many carers in the county who are not receiving any form of support. This race is a great opportunity to not only raise funds but also to reach more young and adult carers in Worcestershire.”
For more details and to sign up and join #teamcarers 2016 in the Worcester City 10K for Worcestershire Association of Carers and YSS please call 01905 751340.
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