Launch of the Tryangle Awards 2019

Do you know an outstanding young person whose effort and achievement deserves recognition? Or a real ‘tryer’ who shows commitment and resolve and never makes a fuss? Nominate them for a Tryangle Award 2019.
Worcestershire’s premier annual young people awards celebrate the efforts of those, who despite health, disability or social problems manage to overcome adversity and ‘get the job done’, at home, at school or college, or within the community.
We believe such effort, commitment and determination should not go unrecognised, so if you work with or have contact with young achievers, volunteers or carers, make sure you nominate your own unsung hero!
Award categories
You can nominate young people in the following categories:
- Bravery
- Arts and Music
- Sports
- Good Friends and Carers
- Citizenship and Environment
- Personal Development
- Volunteer Award
This award acknowledges the outstanding contribution that adult volunteers make to our clubs and organisations; celebrating the special or remarkable who make a real difference to the young people in Worcestershire.
All nominees receive a certificate of recognition of their achievement. The most outstanding in each category can also be nominated to receive a Tryangle Award, which are presented at a special gala awards ceremony in March 2019.
Any ‘tryer’ aged 11-19 or up to 24 with a disability, who has not previously received a Tryangle Award within the same category can be nominated for a young person’s award. Any volunteer aged over 18 can be nominated for the adult’s award.
Nominations closed on Sunday 24th February 2019. Letters will be sent out shortly to those chosen to attend the Awards Evening.
Download our Tryangle Awards Leaflet for more information about the awards. Tryangle leaflet 2019
See the 2018 awards recipients here.