Young Solutions Membership 2022/23

  • Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Young Solutions. Please complete this form so that we know a bit about your organisation. Your data will be used by us for the purposes of your membership of Young Solutions. We will not share your information with relevant people/organisations unless you have given us permission below and you can request to be removed from our database at any time. Please notify us of any changes so we can keep your information up to date.

1. Organisation Contact Details


2. Information About Your Organisation


Staff and Volunteers (please enter how many)


3. We aim to keep children and young people safe, and therefore recommend that organisations have the following in place. We are happy to provide advice, sample policies or support as necessary.


    Do you have suitable....?


    4. Your Organisation's Activities


    5. Membership of Young Solutions

    • BACS - Unity Trust Bank, Account No: 20366614, Sort Code: 60 83 01, Ref: MembFee+Org. Name Cheque - make payable to Young Solutions Worcestershire, and post to Severn House, 32 Ombersley Street West, Droitwich, WR9 8QZ.

    I confirm that the information provided is correct.

