Young Solutions Membership 2024/2025

    Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Young Solutions. Please complete this form so that we know a bit about your organisation. Your data will be used by us for the purposes of your membership of Young Solutions. We will not share your information with relevant people/organisations unless you have given us permission below and you can request to be removed from our database at any time. Please notify us of any changes so we can keep your information up to date.

    1. Organisation Contact Details:

    Data Protection & Sharing *
    Occasionally partners ask us for information about relevant youth organisations. Please confirm which of your details (if any) you are happy to be shared:

    2. Information About Your Organisation:

    We are interested in knowing more about our members. Please complete the following for our information only.

    Type of Organisation *

    Approx Organisation Income per annum *

    3. Keeping Young People Safe

    We aim to keep children and young people safe, and therefore recommend that organisations have the following in place. We are happy to provide advice, sample policies or support as necessary.

    4. Your Organisation's Activities

    What are your organisation's main activities? Choose all that apply. *

    What are your organisation's main focuses? Choose all that apply. *

    Which area(s) do you work in? *

    5. Payment

    Please make payment to Young Solutions by BACS. Contact us on 01905 795098 or at if there are any problems or for more information.

    Membership level *Small organisation (less than 300 young people) - £35Large organisation (over 300 members or multi-unit) - £50

    How are you paying? *BACS Payment to Young Solutions, Account No: 20366614, Sort Code: 60 83 01, Ref: MembFee+Org. NameChequeDebit or credit card - please go to

    Do you need an invoice? *YesNo

    Do you need a receipt? *YesNo

    6. Confirmation

    I confirm that the information provided is correct


    Thank you for completing this form. A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address that you provided.