September 19, 2018 in News

New Updated Edition of Safeguarding Handbook Published!

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Young Solutions are pleased to announce that we have published a new, revised edition of our Safeguarding Handbook. This fourth edition is bigger than ever and contains a new Legislative and Guidance Framework Supplement, as well as 81 pages of example policies and procedures.

The “Safeguarding Children and Young People, Guidance Handbook for the Voluntary and Community Sectors” has been widely regarded for over 10 years as the ‘go to’ book for information to help organisations fulfil their responsibility to safeguard children and young people. Containing information on everything from the latest government legislation to how to deal with a disclosure, it contains easily accessible, adaptable and relevant information and advice.

The guidance is written in partnership with the Worcestershire Safeguarding Children Board and we are grateful to have received funding for this latest edition from the West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner and a number of Worcestershire County Councillors.

To read the Guidance and download the sample policies, click here.

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