Positive Activities Providers Announced

Worcestershire County Council has announced which organisations have successfully tendered for the contracts to deliver positive activities youth work in the county. The successful organisations commenced their work on 1st April 2016 to continue until 31st March 2019. The financial arrangements see a significant reduction in levels of funding for positive activities providers during that period. The overall annual budget has been reduced from £1m to £600,000 in the first year of the new contract period and falls by a further £100,000 a year in subsequent years. This is certain to put pressure on providers. They will already have had to find 40% savings and they will have to find a further 20% by April 2018. The organisations that have been successful are:
Bromsgrove – YMCA Worcestershire have been funded to provide youth work in Charford, Sidemoor, Catshill, Town Centre and Rubery. Also Woodrush Youth Club in Wythall will provide activities from the Woodrush youth centre.
Redditch – The RSA Academy at Arrowvale will receive funding for two years with their own plans being developed for funding from April 2018. The other successful bidder in the area was a consortium led by Redditch Borough Council that includes Yours Ideas; Redditch Wheels, What’s Your Point; Batchley Neighbourhood Support Group and the Reddi Centre.
Wyre Forest – Three youth organisations secured contracts — Kidderminster and District Youth Trust (KDYT) that works out of Kidderminster Youth House; Youth Direxions which operates in Stourport and Bewdley Youth Café based in Load Street, Bewdley.
Worcester City – Positive activities will continue to be delivered by Worcester Community Trust.
Wychavon – DAFFY of Droitwich and Pershore Riverside Youth Club will continue to provide youth work activities. In Evesham positive activities will remain with Ourside and Wallace House while the Wychavon Youth Bus will maintain the provision of outreach youth activities in the rural villages and parishes of the district.
Malvern Hills – Youth work will continue to be provided from the former Malvern Youth House which is now a community managed building, renamed The Cube. From April 2016 The Cube will be the direct provider of youth work activities. The previous provider, Tribe, has ceased delivering youth activities, but has worked closely with The Cube management team to transfer its work to The Cube and secure continuity. The other providers in Malvern Hills will be Café 27 based at Tenbury Youth Café, and Upton Youth Forum based at Upton upon Severn Baptist Church.