Safeguarding Worcestershire

Resources and Publications
Presentations and PowerPoints
The following link provides of presentations which have been shared across our networks. Some provide an overview of the work of the WSAB other provide information on different safeguarding topics or concerns. Link to: WSAB Presentations Archives
MCA and Best Interest Podcasts
Following recommendations from a number of Safeguarding Adults Review on the need to raise awareness and improve practice in relation to the Mental Capacity Act and undertaking Best Interest Assessments the WSAB Learning, Development and Practice Sub-group have produced two podcasts. These were developed in collaboration with families of people with care and support needs.
They give overview of the legislative frameworks, as well as taking time to explore how this may be received by parents and carers. Whilst they were primarily designed for professional they are also be helpful for families, carers and other practitioners who want more information. They can be viewed on YouTube by clicking here