Tryangle Awards 2021 – Most Outstanding Young People Announced

Unfortunately, due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic we were unable to hold the Tryangle Awards Evening at Worcester Bosch, scheduled for 25th March. However, all recipients have now been safely presented with the awards on a one to one basis, and we can now announce the outstanding award recipients.
The Tryangle Awards are the premier Worcestershire awards for celebrating inspirational young people, and this year was to be a special celebration as the awards are now in their 16th year.
In 2005, Worcestershire County Council’s then Youth Officer, Dave Evans, suggested holding the awards in the county. He had seen the concept in his previous experience with Kent Youth Service, who are the only other county to run this award, and at a time when awards programmes for high achieving young people were quite common, the Tryangle Awards presented a refreshing new approach.
Dave was passionate about the fact that Tryangle awards were different and special. They recognised a different kind of achievement by young people who had overcome a wide range of challenges and barriers in their lives in order to develop themselves and support others – hence the “Try” in Tryangle. They were not about celebrating elite performers, but the many deserving young people known to those who worked and volunteered in a wide range of youth organisations, support agencies, schools, colleges and to people from local families and communities.
The County Council’s Youth Service launched the Tryangle Awards and ran the programme annually until 2010 when Young Solutions took over. The category to recognise adult volunteers who support young people was added in 2016.
Nominations continue to come from a wide range of organisations and individuals, and the recognition that young people and adult volunteers receive is highly valued by both the recipients and those who nominate them.
This year Young Solutions were really pleased to receive nominations across 6 categories for over 69 young people aged 11 to 24 and 10 nominations in the adult volunteer category. After much deliberation, the most outstanding people in each category were selected by the nominations panel to receive a trophy and framed certificate.
Young Solutions would like to thank all the people who have nominated a young person over the years and congratulate all the young people on their amazing achievements. Over 2500 young people and groups have now received recognition for their achievements in the county!
This year’s awards go to young people in the categories as follows:
Citizenship & Environment Award
Josh for “willingly volunteering, showing patience & understanding & being a positive role model to all the young people with physical & learning disabilities who attend the club”
Bewdley School Interact Group for “fundraising, raising awareness on health & wellbeing and supporting young people online in Bewdley. Their focus is service before self”
Malvern Hills District Youth Advisors Group for “excelling in their roles as advisors in Health & Wellbeing & the Environment. Making sure that young people have a voice in the local Government”
Sports Award
Maisie for “her many accomplishments in playing golf to include finishing 1st in British Junior Golf Tour finals, being crowned British Junior Golf Tour Girls Champion, to name a few”
Lilly for her “determination, hard work and resilience in her P.E lessons, always having a smile on her face even when she is clearly struggling. She is a real asset to her team mates”
Matthew, Bradley & Seth for “showing incredible determination & motivation to succeed during their 10 mile walk with 17Kg in backpacks for the Charity PARA10”
Good Friends and Carers Award
Abigail for “being a kind & determined person who gets on with her responsibilities without complaint while still being able to be awarded amazing grades for ‘attitude and effort’ by her school”
Lauryn Carter for “for helping care for her siblings while still managing to help YSS with assemblies and run the school drop-ins, also helping people and giving them advice”
Shakira & Thomas for “being invited to meetings and talks where they could highlight the importance of young people’s mental health, cuts to youth services, poverty & education”
Arts and Music Award
9th Wyre Forest Scouts Young Leaders for “excelling themselves this past year showing dedication, compassion, commitment, creativity and real leadership in making online scouting work, with the additional online Remembrance video that raised money for the Poppy Charity”
Bravery Award
Abbey-Louise for “reaching out for help when needed but also focusing on helping others, giving peer support at school & the youth club & helping many organisations with youth mental health”
Niamh for “being brave to find the strength to push through her own struggles, helping others at school with their own, sending care packages to fellow students when they were feeling down”
Gemma for “being an extremely courageous and determined young lady. Raising money for charities that helped her after the accident, walking her own 100 lap challenge with the help of her walking frame”
Personal Development Award
Ashley for “being able to move forward in confidence and working hard to find himself a career which has now led him to secure himself an Apprenticeship in Engineering”
Hannah for “her selflessness & dedication to supporting young people during the pandemic. Volunteering for many organisations that help young people from disadvantaged backgrounds”
Rabeel for “showing that it does not matter where you come from, it’s where you strive to go, he has shown resilience but most of all determination that he can achieve his goal”
Adult Volunteer Award (for any adult working with young people)
Edward for “being extremely caring where he volunteers on a youth project, excelling at community events, taking pride in organising things and working incredibly hard”
Rosemary for “in the lockdowns has continued with the youth & toddler groups. One group walking round every week to the children’s houses, to drop off at least 1 craft for them to do”
Mark for “driving the minibus, running the free take away lunch scheme & volunteering for the open access youth group & is always on hand for fundraising events”
Sarah for “always willing to support within the club, on day trips & site activities. Her bubbly personality having an impact on the children with learning and physical disabilities”
Amy for “her commitment in running after school clubs, cooking for the children so they could take it home. Collecting food donations from supermarkets and delivering to vulnerable families”
For more information about the awards go to and to see photos of the presentations click here
The Awards are made possible due to kind donations from the sponsors – Worcester Bosch, Platform Housing Group, The Margaret Westwood Memorial Trust, Indegu and Artwork Creative.