Volunteers’ Week 1st to 7th June 2018

It will soon be Volunteers’ Week – have you started planning your celebrations yet?
National Volunteers’ Week is an annual event which takes place at the start of June and celebrates the contribution made by millions of volunteers across the UK. It is a great way for organisations to both recognise their fantastic volunteers and to encourage more people to get involved in volunteering.
Over 95% of Young Solutions’ members have regular volunteers involved in their organisation and activities, and around 33% of our member organisations are run solely by volunteers. We know from talking to them and their young people how committed these volunteers are, and what a vital role volunteers play in keeping young people safe in Worcestershire.
If you haven’t started planning yet, here are some suggestions of how to highlight and reward your volunteers.
- Take time to say a simple “Thank You”
- Give them a certificate or card
- Send them an email or phone them
- Hold a ‘thank you’ or awards event
- Have a drop in morning with celebratory biscuits/cake
- Highlight the work they do in your newsletter or on social media
- Nominate them for ‘Room to Reward*’
You could also use Volunteers’ Week to recruit new volunteers by inviting new people along to meet current volunteers, having a stand/information in a community venue or asking volunteers what inspires them to volunteer, how their volunteering helps others or how it has helped themselves.
You can get more information and Volunteers’ Week resources from www.volunteersweek.org
Local Event – Volunteer Fair on Friday 1st June
at The Guildhall, High St, Worcester from 11.00am – 3.00pm.
Over 30 organisations attending, so everyone welcome to look at all the volunteering opportunities.
*Room to Reward is a unique volunteer recognition charity created to say ‘thank you’ to the Hidden Heroes – inspirational people who do so much, for so many in the name of charity. Partner hotels donate their unsold rooms, charities nominate their Hidden Heroes for a break, Room to Reward make it happen! Visit www.roomtoreward.org/