Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board Update

World Mental Health Day and Homelessness Day is a good time for Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board (WSAB) to share two important pieces of work which they introduced this year.
Revised Self-Neglect Policy
Their revised Self-Neglect policy is now more person- centered, outlining the importance of understanding the person’s lifelong experiences which have led to their situation, including rough sleepers. Further details on the Self-Neglect policy can be found by following this link: Self Neglect Policy Final V2 Revised July 2022
WSAB also now have a dedicated page for self-neglect on their website. As well as having a link to the policy it provides information on different types of behaviours which can be classed as self-neglect or lead to self-neglect. Follow this link to the page: Self-Neglect Page – Worcestershire Safeguarding Adults Board
Complex Adults Risk Management Framework (CARM)
The CARM frameworkprovides front line practitioners with a framework to facilitate effective working with adults:
- who are at risk of harm due to their complex needs,
- where the risks cannot effectively be managed via other processes or interventions,
- the adult’s engagement with support is intermittent or it has been difficult to engage with the adult
- individual agency procedures have not been able to resolve the problem(s)
- without some form of support the risk is likely to increase.
Details of the CARM framework can be found by following this link: CARM Framework