Young Solutions Awarded New Infrastructure Contract for Worcestershire

Young Solutions is delighted to have been awarded the contract by Worcestershire County Council to be the provider of infrastructure support to youth organisations across the county until March 2019. This allows us to build on the work we have been doing over the past three years as the infrastructure provider. From now until March 2019 we’ll be continuing to offer a wide range of services to support those working with young people throughout Worcestershire. The main services Young Solutions will provide are:
- support to voluntary youth organisations in their development and service delivery, including providing networking opportunities as well as representing the voluntary youth sector at a local and regional level;
- information through our monthly newsletter, weekly e-bulletin, visits and events. We will also ensure communication between voluntary youth organisations and other interested stakeholders;
- annual programme of training and staff development opportunities delivered and co-ordinated around specific issues. Including in the training will be access to Level 2 qualifications in youth work practice;
- access to our online training programme that will cover a range of topics relevant to the delivery of high quality work with young people – due Autumn 2016;
- support with safeguarding, ensuring that organisations are fully aware and equipped to ensure the safeguarding of all service users and staff, and have DBS checks in place as necessary;
- assistance towards achieving sustainability through giving advice and practical support to organisations with the aim of obtaining funding and helping them secure their future.
At Young Solutions we will be doing all we can to make available a high quality infrastructure service to enable organisations working with young people to offer the best possible opportunities. Our aim will be to keep young people safe and involved by providing fast, friendly and focused support.